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Thursday, 17 March 2011

The Dubya

Went to the official launch of the W hotel last night, with my lovely friend Colin.

They had divided the floors into North, East, South & West London rooms, North was W lounge & the Wyld club, hosted by Fran Cutler and the W band, West was hosted by Jade Jaggers Jezebel, South was the screening room, hosted by Horse Meat Disco and East was in the W Studios on the second floor
Our gang were hosting the East London room (naturally) Mr Jonny Woo being master of proceedings, alongside Holestar, John Sizzle & the Horsemeat disco boys the music was AMAZING we barely left the light up dancefloor they had installed, it was definatly the best room by far and had a cute market stall with Patrick Cox glittery cakes and they served a gin cocktail in pretty tea cups
The lovely Elliot Atkinson was in attendance, who I havn't seen for years, he was very pleased to hear I'd been singing his praises last week whilst doing some consulting on fashion & technology trends (isn't it funny how that happens? you speak about someone and they pop up soon after)
We did do some exploring, to the Wyld room where we caught the first bit of Alexa Chungs set and bumped into Domenic Jones, a face from our scene doing very well with his jewellery collections, didn't stay too long in that room though as it seemed too full of men in suits (I prefer mine in heels & make up ;-) )
We couldnt get into the main part of the room for the W supergroup set (Roger Daltrey and The Clash, introduced by Kate Moss- that will be why then, it was packed tighter than a can of sardines)
Apparantly Miss Moss came up to the East room, and was by the DJ box for ages, but I didn't spot her or any of the other celebrities in attendance (to busy chatting and dancing with friends) did share a lift with Jade Jagger though, who had the most beautiful hair.
The hotel had given a few rooms to the performers, which meant we could rest our feet a wee while and have a little lie down, which was a very welcome addition to the nights proceedings
We watched some of the films in the screening rooms, where they served popcorn and tequila shots
Super fun was had by all, lots of friends were there to enjoy the night with, the venue was really lovely, as were all the bar staff and waiters, all in all a fabulous night in a gorgeous venue
Probably drank a bit too much champagne (oops!) so I put myself into a cab home at some disgraceful hour, head was a tad fuzzy this morning...oh well, it is my birthday on Friday, may as well have a warm up!

more pictures to come later- as I had my Iphone stolen last week, I will have to get them from friends.....

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